Week of October 29, 2017

New to Encounter

We have a gift for you at our welcome table in the back.  Stop by and say "Hello"

Operation Christmas Child

Send a box of love around the world.  Pick up a box at the connection center and return November 12 or 19.  Our goal is to send 100 boxes this year.

Night of Worship & Thanksgiving - November 19

Night to celebrate what God has done, what God is doing and share a meal on Sunday, November 19, 6 - 8pm

Women's Restore Conference

Ladies, join us for two days of praising God in worship and building community.  March 2 - 3. Find out more at [www.restorewomensconference.com ]

Push Notifications & Email Settings on Realm

Be sure to enable push notifications and your email settings in the Realm App.  [Download the RealmConnect App](http://onelink.to/connectapp).  We have created a video to show you how! [Watch it here](https://vimeo.com/229355183)

Launch Creative