Welcome to the Encounter Youth Group // Grades 7 - 12
“We meet Sundays mornings during the 10am service. Students start in worship and then are dismissed for teaching. We also meet 2 Weekdays a month in homes for Core Groups. Download our calendar for dates and locations.”
Encounter Youth Group ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!
Have you ever done a trust fall? Years ago, I was at Alpine Christian Summer Camp. Alpine has a ropes course which they call, “confidence courses”....asically code for, climb to the top of a laser thin telephone pole, stand up straight while this pole sways in the wind and jump off to your death. What I meant to say, was jump off “trusting” that the rope will catch you….every time, my knees would shake, my heart would pound, and I would wonder why I had agreed to this…but guess what, every time that rope came through and the ride down was exhilirating. This fall, there are many of you taking huge steps into new territories but let me tell you that every step of the way, you can trust that God will get you through and that you are surrounded by a community who loves you and is cheering you on every step of the way.
This fall, we are going to focus on developing the spiritual habit of Christlike community, making new friends, and getting plugged into Core Groups. We are moving Youth Group to the midweek on Thursday nights! Core Groups will officially launch on Thursday, September 12. In addition, we will have a HUGE kick-off event called Neon Night on Saturday, October 5. Bring your friends to this event and invite them on Sunday mornings where we will be launching three new series this fall.
September - Lifeline
Do you have any friendships you can really count on — the kind of friendships you might call your “lifelines?” God designed us to have friendships we can trust, but God also knew we’d need some help figuring out how to build friendships that are lifelines for each other. In this 3-week series, we’ll look at the kind of friendship Jesus models for us: friendship that lets us be real, gives us a group when we feel alone, and can even change the world.
October - Stronger
Life hurts sometimes. If you haven’t already experienced it, there will be a day when you’ll encounter pain, failure, or loss. Sometimes the hurt we feel happens because of something we do, or something that is done to us, or something that is no one’s fault at all. In this 3-week series, we’ll talk about how, when life hurts, or goes wrong, or doesn’t make sense, these things are true: God can be trusted, God gives us each other, and God helps us persevere.
November - Us for Them
Don’t you just love a little friendly competition? There’s something about being a part of a team that makes you excited to root for “us” and root against “them.” With people and with God, we’re often quick to see others like our enemies, but God invites us to see things differently. In this 3-week series, we’ll explore the stories of Abraham, Jeremiah, Jonah, Isaiah, and more, as we see how the big story of Scripture reveals that God is for us, we’re called to be for others, God is for our enemies.
This is going to be a great fall! Mark your calendars for Winter Camp, January 31 - February 2. Early bird price will expire on October 31 so make sure to register by then. Oh and by the way, we launched an Instagram account…..follow us @encounteryouth.group!
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